Quarantine Letters — One : The Zombies are Coming

Dilan Crain
3 min readApr 28, 2020

Mae… I don’t know where to start. Got bored, got healthy, started running every day. Twisted my ankle hiking, sunburned fishing, run off by the police and bit by the neighbors dog the other night. But I’m not that interesting anymore.

The whole world is on lock down brother. It’s the zombie apocalypse in full-color reality. They’re not eating brains… but a cough, a sneeze, an infectious handshake seem to transmit this flu virus from human to human with an unusually high rate of infection. Now a global pandemic unlike anything seen since the Spanish Flu of 1918. It affects the respiratory system to such a degree that Trump signed a presidential directive ordering GM and other manufacturers to start making ventilators and prioritize federal contracts. Life and death choices about who gets a ventilator are being made in some of the hardest hit areas.

The world has become click-bait politicized silos of mass biased information. The Left. The Right. The middle. All sides at once. The internet allowing every clown a voice to spew their particular brand on a dozen different platforms to whomever wants to listen. For every weirdness in this world their is a home some where on the web. We will likely never get the full truth again. The world is changing as we are told to stay home and watch. For our safety.



Dilan Crain

Digital dropout on tour. Observations from a hammock as we journey together.