Quarantine Letters — Three: Moving Day

Or Excuse me… Does your dog have his shots?

Dilan Crain
4 min readMay 7, 2020
Photo by Eric Nopanen on Unsplash

Sorry it’s been a minute. Things got a bit hectic. Moving. Partying. Little road trip. I moved back into the dorms for a minute it feels like. Remember how crazy that athletics dorm you lived in was? OK… Not quite that bad. Most of us are adults, even if — real / normal / old — life is hard to remember after so many weeks couped up in a perpetual summer camp.

It happened in stages. The few foreigners remaining after the travel bans, started extending out weekly at half of the previous rate. Some maybe better than others. Then more slowly drifted in as their airbnb or hotel closed up. Always for repairs it seems.

Thanasi, the old Greek that owns the place has owned hotels, hostels and restaurants all over the world in his interestingly colorful past. He started to the see the writing on the wall and in the newspaper, TV, internet and customers. Something new was sweeping across China. The bird flu… but worse. This was weeks before talk of any travel restrictions.

Now our little cadre fears the politicians won’t let the chance for more power to pass through their greedy hands. More and more will game a funeral for votes. Why not a pandemic? He’s preparing for a full season if not two completely lost. Minimal tourism. Worldwide…



Dilan Crain

Digital dropout on tour. Observations from a hammock as we journey together.